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Module examples.registry

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from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional

from examples.example_objects import CallableExample, NotDefined

class Examples:

    """An object that holds a set of examples as they are registered."""

    __slots__ = ("examples", "add_to_doc_strings", "_callable_mapping")

    def __init__(self, add_to_doc_strings: bool = True):

        self.examples: List[CallableExample] = []

        self.add_to_doc_strings: bool = add_to_doc_strings

        self._callable_mapping: Dict[Callable, list] = {}

    def _add_to_doc_string(self, function: Callable, example: CallableExample) -> None:

        if function.__doc__ is None:

            function.__doc__ = ""

        indent: int = 4

        for line in reversed(function.__doc__.split("\n")):

            if line.strip():

                indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip(" "))

        indent_spaces: str = " " * indent

        if "Examples:" not in function.__doc__:

            function.__doc__ += f"\n\n{indent_spaces}Examples:\n\n"

        indented_example = str(example).replace("\n", f"\n{indent_spaces}        ")

        function.__doc__ += f"\n\n{indent_spaces}        {indented_example}"

        function.__doc__ += "\n-------"

    def example(



        _example_returns: Any = NotDefined,

        _example_raises: Any = None,

        _example_doc_string: Optional[bool] = None,


    ) -> Callable:

        def example_wrapper(function):

            new_example = CallableExample(

                function, returns=_example_returns, raises=_example_raises, args=args, kwargs=kwargs


            self._callable_mapping.setdefault(function, []).append(new_example)

            if _example_doc_string or (_example_doc_string is None and self.add_to_doc_strings):

                self._add_to_doc_string(function, new_example)


            return function

        return example_wrapper

    def verify_signatures(self, verify_types: bool = True) -> None:

        for example in self.examples:


    def test_examples(self, verify_return_type: bool = True) -> None:

        for example in self.examples:


    def verify_and_test_examples(self, verify_types: bool = True) -> None:

        for example in self.examples:


    def get(self, function: Callable) -> List[CallableExample]:

        """Returns back any examples registered for a specific function"""

        return self._callable_mapping.get(function, [])

module_registry: Dict[str, Examples] = {}




class (
    add_to_doc_strings: bool = True

An object that holds a set of examples as they are registered.

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class Examples:

    """An object that holds a set of examples as they are registered."""

    __slots__ = ("examples", "add_to_doc_strings", "_callable_mapping")

    def __init__(self, add_to_doc_strings: bool = True):

        self.examples: List[CallableExample] = []

        self.add_to_doc_strings: bool = add_to_doc_strings

        self._callable_mapping: Dict[Callable, list] = {}

    def _add_to_doc_string(self, function: Callable, example: CallableExample) -> None:

        if function.__doc__ is None:

            function.__doc__ = ""

        indent: int = 4

        for line in reversed(function.__doc__.split("\n")):

            if line.strip():

                indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip(" "))

        indent_spaces: str = " " * indent

        if "Examples:" not in function.__doc__:

            function.__doc__ += f"\n\n{indent_spaces}Examples:\n\n"

        indented_example = str(example).replace("\n", f"\n{indent_spaces}        ")

        function.__doc__ += f"\n\n{indent_spaces}        {indented_example}"

        function.__doc__ += "\n-------"

    def example(



        _example_returns: Any = NotDefined,

        _example_raises: Any = None,

        _example_doc_string: Optional[bool] = None,


    ) -> Callable:

        def example_wrapper(function):

            new_example = CallableExample(

                function, returns=_example_returns, raises=_example_raises, args=args, kwargs=kwargs


            self._callable_mapping.setdefault(function, []).append(new_example)

            if _example_doc_string or (_example_doc_string is None and self.add_to_doc_strings):

                self._add_to_doc_string(function, new_example)


            return function

        return example_wrapper

    def verify_signatures(self, verify_types: bool = True) -> None:

        for example in self.examples:


    def test_examples(self, verify_return_type: bool = True) -> None:

        for example in self.examples:


    def verify_and_test_examples(self, verify_types: bool = True) -> None:

        for example in self.examples:


    def get(self, function: Callable) -> List[CallableExample]:

        """Returns back any examples registered for a specific function"""

        return self._callable_mapping.get(function, [])