Module pdocs.extract

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import importlib

import os

import pkgutil

import typing

import pdocs.doc

class ExtractError(Exception):


def split_module_spec(spec: str) -> typing.Tuple[str, str]:


        Splits a module specification into a base path (which may be empty), and a module name.

        Raises ExtactError if the spec is invalid.


    if not spec:

        raise ExtractError("Empty module spec.")

    if (os.sep in spec) or (os.altsep and os.altsep in spec):

        dirname, fname = os.path.split(spec)

        if fname.endswith(".py"):

            mname, _ = os.path.splitext(fname)

            return dirname, mname


            if "." in fname:

                raise ExtractError(

                    "Invalid module name {fname}. Mixing path and module specifications "

                    "is not supported.".format(fname=fname)


            return dirname, fname


        return "", spec

def load_module(basedir: str, module: str) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, bool]:


        Returns a module object, and whether the module is a package or not.


    ispackage = False

    if basedir:

        mods = module.split(".")

        dirname = os.path.join(basedir, *mods[:-1])

        modname = mods[-1]

        pkgloc = os.path.join(dirname, modname, "")

        fileloc = os.path.join(dirname, modname + ".py")

        if os.path.exists(pkgloc):

            location, ispackage = pkgloc, True

        elif os.path.exists(fileloc):

            location, ispackage = fileloc, False


            raise ExtractError(

                "Module {module} not found in {basedir}".format(module=module, basedir=basedir)


        ispec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(modname, location)

        mobj = importlib.util.module_from_spec(ispec)


            # This can literally raise anything

            ispec.loader.exec_module(mobj)  # type: ignore

        except Exception as e:

            raise ExtractError("Error importing {location}: {e}".format(location=location, e=e))

        return mobj, ispackage



            # This can literally raise anything

            m = importlib.import_module(module)

        except ImportError:

            raise ExtractError("Module not found: {module}".format(module=module))

        except Exception as e:

            raise ExtractError("Error importing {module}: {e}".format(module=module, e=e))

        # This is the only case where we actually have to test whether we're a package

        if getattr(m, "__package__", False) and getattr(m, "__path__", False):

            ispackage = True

        return m, ispackage

def submodules(dname: str, mname: str) -> typing.Sequence[str]:


        Returns a list of fully qualified submodules within a package, given a

        base directory and a fully qualified module name.


    loc = os.path.join(dname, *mname.split("."))

    ret = []

    for mi in pkgutil.iter_modules([loc], prefix=mname + "."):

        if isinstance(mi, tuple):

            # Python 3.5 compat





    return ret

def _extract_module(dname: str, mname: str, parent=None) -> typing.Any:

    m, pkg = load_module(dname, mname)

    mod = pdocs.doc.Module(mname, m, parent)

    if pkg:

        for submodule_full_name in submodules(dname, mname):

            if submodule_full_name.split(".")[-1].startswith("_"):


            mod.submodules.append(_extract_module(dname, submodule_full_name, parent=mod))

    return mod

def extract_module(spec: str):


        Extracts and returns a module object. The spec argument can have the

        following forms:

        Simple module: ""

        Module path: "./path/to/module"

        File path: "./path/to/"

        This function always invalidates caches to enable hot load and reload.

        May raise ExtactError.



    dname, mname = split_module_spec(spec)

    return _extract_module(dname, mname)


def (
    spec: str

Extracts and returns a module object. The spec argument can have the following forms:

Simple module: "" Module path: "./path/to/module" File path: "./path/to/"

This function always invalidates caches to enable hot load and reload.

May raise ExtactError.

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def extract_module(spec: str):


        Extracts and returns a module object. The spec argument can have the

        following forms:

        Simple module: ""

        Module path: "./path/to/module"

        File path: "./path/to/"

        This function always invalidates caches to enable hot load and reload.

        May raise ExtactError.



    dname, mname = split_module_spec(spec)

    return _extract_module(dname, mname)
def (
    basedir: str,
    module: str
) -> Tuple[Any, bool]

Returns a module object, and whether the module is a package or not.

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def load_module(basedir: str, module: str) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, bool]:


        Returns a module object, and whether the module is a package or not.


    ispackage = False

    if basedir:

        mods = module.split(".")

        dirname = os.path.join(basedir, *mods[:-1])

        modname = mods[-1]

        pkgloc = os.path.join(dirname, modname, "")

        fileloc = os.path.join(dirname, modname + ".py")

        if os.path.exists(pkgloc):

            location, ispackage = pkgloc, True

        elif os.path.exists(fileloc):

            location, ispackage = fileloc, False


            raise ExtractError(

                "Module {module} not found in {basedir}".format(module=module, basedir=basedir)


        ispec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(modname, location)

        mobj = importlib.util.module_from_spec(ispec)


            # This can literally raise anything

            ispec.loader.exec_module(mobj)  # type: ignore

        except Exception as e:

            raise ExtractError("Error importing {location}: {e}".format(location=location, e=e))

        return mobj, ispackage



            # This can literally raise anything

            m = importlib.import_module(module)

        except ImportError:

            raise ExtractError("Module not found: {module}".format(module=module))

        except Exception as e:

            raise ExtractError("Error importing {module}: {e}".format(module=module, e=e))

        # This is the only case where we actually have to test whether we're a package

        if getattr(m, "__package__", False) and getattr(m, "__path__", False):

            ispackage = True

        return m, ispackage
def (
    spec: str
) -> Tuple[str, str]

Splits a module specification into a base path (which may be empty), and a module name.

Raises ExtactError if the spec is invalid.

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def split_module_spec(spec: str) -> typing.Tuple[str, str]:


        Splits a module specification into a base path (which may be empty), and a module name.

        Raises ExtactError if the spec is invalid.


    if not spec:

        raise ExtractError("Empty module spec.")

    if (os.sep in spec) or (os.altsep and os.altsep in spec):

        dirname, fname = os.path.split(spec)

        if fname.endswith(".py"):

            mname, _ = os.path.splitext(fname)

            return dirname, mname


            if "." in fname:

                raise ExtractError(

                    "Invalid module name {fname}. Mixing path and module specifications "

                    "is not supported.".format(fname=fname)


            return dirname, fname


        return "", spec
def (
    dname: str,
    mname: str
) -> Sequence[str]

Returns a list of fully qualified submodules within a package, given a base directory and a fully qualified module name.

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def submodules(dname: str, mname: str) -> typing.Sequence[str]:


        Returns a list of fully qualified submodules within a package, given a

        base directory and a fully qualified module name.


    loc = os.path.join(dname, *mname.split("."))

    ret = []

    for mi in pkgutil.iter_modules([loc], prefix=mname + "."):

        if isinstance(mi, tuple):

            # Python 3.5 compat





    return ret


class (

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

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class ExtractError(Exception):


Ancestors (in MRO)

  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException

Class variables



def (

Exception.with_traceback(tb) -- set self.traceback to tb and return self.