Module pdocs.static

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import pathlib

import typing

import pdocs.doc

import pdocs.render

class StaticError(Exception):


def module_to_path(m: pdocs.doc.Module, extension="html") -> pathlib.Path:


        Calculates the filesystem path for the static output of a given module.


    p = pathlib.Path(*"."))

    if m.submodules:

        p /= f"index.{extension}"


        p = p.with_suffix(f".{extension}")

    return p

def path_to_module(

    roots: typing.Sequence[pdocs.doc.Module], path: pathlib.Path

) -> pdocs.doc.Module:


        Retrieves the matching module for a given path from a module tree.


    if path.suffix == ".html":

        path = path.with_suffix("")

    parts = list(

    if parts[-1] == "index":

        parts = parts[:-1]

    elif parts[-1] == "index.m":

        parts[-1] = "index"

    for root in roots:

        mod = root.find_ident(".".join(parts))

        if isinstance(mod, pdocs.doc.Module):

            return mod

    raise StaticError("No matching module for {path}".format(path=path))

def would_overwrite(destination: pathlib.Path, roots: typing.Sequence[pdocs.doc.Module]) -> bool:

    """Would rendering root to dst overwrite any file?"""

    if len(roots) > 1:

        path = destination / "index.html"

        if path.exists():

            return True

    for root in roots:

        if destination.joinpath(

            return True

    return False

def html_out(

    dst: pathlib.Path,

    roots: typing.Sequence[pdocs.doc.Module],

    external_links: bool = True,

    link_prefix: str = "",

    source: bool = False,


    if len(roots) > 1:

        dst.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        p = dst / "index.html"

        idx = pdocs.render.html_index(roots, link_prefix=link_prefix)

        p.write_text(idx, encoding="utf-8")

    for root in roots:

        for m in root.allmodules():

            p = dst.joinpath(module_to_path(m))

            p.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

            out = pdocs.render.html_module(

                m, external_links=external_links, link_prefix=link_prefix, source=source


            p.write_text(out, encoding="utf-8")

def md_out(

    dst: pathlib.Path,

    roots: typing.Sequence[pdocs.doc.Module],

    externel_links: bool = True,

    source: bool = False,


    for root in roots:

        for m in root.allmodules():

            p = dst.joinpath(module_to_path(m, extension="md"))

            p.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

            out = pdocs.render.text(m, source=source)

            p.write_text(out, encoding="utf-8")


def (
    dst: pathlib.Path,
    roots: Sequence[pdocs.doc.Module],
    external_links: bool = True,
    link_prefix: str = '',
    source: bool = False
View Source
def html_out(

    dst: pathlib.Path,

    roots: typing.Sequence[pdocs.doc.Module],

    external_links: bool = True,

    link_prefix: str = "",

    source: bool = False,


    if len(roots) > 1:

        dst.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        p = dst / "index.html"

        idx = pdocs.render.html_index(roots, link_prefix=link_prefix)

        p.write_text(idx, encoding="utf-8")

    for root in roots:

        for m in root.allmodules():

            p = dst.joinpath(module_to_path(m))

            p.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

            out = pdocs.render.html_module(

                m, external_links=external_links, link_prefix=link_prefix, source=source


            p.write_text(out, encoding="utf-8")
def (
    dst: pathlib.Path,
    roots: Sequence[pdocs.doc.Module],
    externel_links: bool = True,
    source: bool = False
View Source
def md_out(

    dst: pathlib.Path,

    roots: typing.Sequence[pdocs.doc.Module],

    externel_links: bool = True,

    source: bool = False,


    for root in roots:

        for m in root.allmodules():

            p = dst.joinpath(module_to_path(m, extension="md"))

            p.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

            out = pdocs.render.text(m, source=source)

            p.write_text(out, encoding="utf-8")
def (
    m: pdocs.doc.Module,
) -> pathlib.Path

Calculates the filesystem path for the static output of a given module.

View Source
def module_to_path(m: pdocs.doc.Module, extension="html") -> pathlib.Path:


        Calculates the filesystem path for the static output of a given module.


    p = pathlib.Path(*"."))

    if m.submodules:

        p /= f"index.{extension}"


        p = p.with_suffix(f".{extension}")

    return p
def (
    roots: Sequence[pdocs.doc.Module],
    path: pathlib.Path
) -> pdocs.doc.Module

Retrieves the matching module for a given path from a module tree.

View Source
def path_to_module(

    roots: typing.Sequence[pdocs.doc.Module], path: pathlib.Path

) -> pdocs.doc.Module:


        Retrieves the matching module for a given path from a module tree.


    if path.suffix == ".html":

        path = path.with_suffix("")

    parts = list(

    if parts[-1] == "index":

        parts = parts[:-1]

    elif parts[-1] == "index.m":

        parts[-1] = "index"

    for root in roots:

        mod = root.find_ident(".".join(parts))

        if isinstance(mod, pdocs.doc.Module):

            return mod

    raise StaticError("No matching module for {path}".format(path=path))
def (
    destination: pathlib.Path,
    roots: Sequence[pdocs.doc.Module]
) -> bool

Would rendering root to dst overwrite any file?

View Source
def would_overwrite(destination: pathlib.Path, roots: typing.Sequence[pdocs.doc.Module]) -> bool:

    """Would rendering root to dst overwrite any file?"""

    if len(roots) > 1:

        path = destination / "index.html"

        if path.exists():

            return True

    for root in roots:

        if destination.joinpath(

            return True

    return False


class (

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

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class StaticError(Exception):


Ancestors (in MRO)

  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException

Class variables



def (

Exception.with_traceback(tb) -- set self.traceback to tb and return self.