Module pdocs.render

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import os.path

import re

import typing

from mako.exceptions import TopLevelLookupException

from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup

import pdocs.doc

html_module_suffix = ".html"

html_package_name = "index.html"


The file name to use for a package's `` module.


_template_path = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates")]


A list of paths to search for Mako templates used to produce the

plain text and HTML output. Each path is tried until a template is



tpl_lookup = TemplateLookup(

    directories=_template_path, cache_args={"cached": True, "cache_type": "memory"}



A `mako.lookup.TemplateLookup` object that knows how to load templates

from the file system. You may add additional paths by modifying the

object's `directories` attribute.


def _get_tpl(name):


    Returns the Mako template with the given name. If the template cannot be

    found, a nicer error message is displayed.



        t = tpl_lookup.get_template(name)

    except TopLevelLookupException:

        locs = [os.path.join(p, name.lstrip("/")) for p in _template_path]

        raise IOError(2, "No template at any of: %s" % ", ".join(locs))

    return t

def html_index(roots: typing.Sequence[pdocs.doc.Module], link_prefix: str = "/") -> str:


        Render an HTML module index.


    t = _get_tpl("/html_index.mako")

    t = t.render(roots=roots, link_prefix=link_prefix)

    return t.strip()

def html_module(

    mod: pdocs.doc.Module, external_links: bool = False, link_prefix: str = "/", source: bool = True

) -> str:


    Returns the documentation for the module `module_name` in HTML

    format. The module must be importable.

    If `external_links` is `True`, then identifiers to external modules

    are always turned into links.

    If `link_prefix` is `True`, then all links will have that prefix.

    Otherwise, links are always relative.

    If `source` is `True`, then source code will be retrieved for

    every Python object whenever possible. This can dramatically

    decrease performance when documenting large modules.


    t = _get_tpl("/html_module.mako")

    t = t.render(

        module=mod, external_links=external_links, link_prefix=link_prefix, show_source_code=source


    return t.strip()

def text(mod: pdocs.doc.Module, source: bool = True) -> str:

    """Returns the documentation for the module `module_name` in plain

    text format. The module must be importable.

    *source* - If set to True (the default) source will be included in the produced output.


    t = _get_tpl("/text.mako")

    text, _ = re.subn("\n\n\n+", "\n\n", t.render(module=mod, show_source_code=source).strip())

    return text



The file name to use for a package's module.


A mako.lookup.TemplateLookup object that knows how to load templates from the file system. You may add additional paths by modifying the object's directories attribute.


def (
    roots: Sequence[pdocs.doc.Module],
    link_prefix: str = '/'
) -> str

Render an HTML module index.

View Source
def html_index(roots: typing.Sequence[pdocs.doc.Module], link_prefix: str = "/") -> str:


        Render an HTML module index.


    t = _get_tpl("/html_index.mako")

    t = t.render(roots=roots, link_prefix=link_prefix)

    return t.strip()
def (
    mod: pdocs.doc.Module,
    external_links: bool = False,
    link_prefix: str = '/',
    source: bool = True
) -> str

Returns the documentation for the module module_name in HTML format. The module must be importable.

If external_links is True, then identifiers to external modules are always turned into links.

If link_prefix is True, then all links will have that prefix. Otherwise, links are always relative.

If source is True, then source code will be retrieved for every Python object whenever possible. This can dramatically decrease performance when documenting large modules.

View Source
def html_module(

    mod: pdocs.doc.Module, external_links: bool = False, link_prefix: str = "/", source: bool = True

) -> str:


    Returns the documentation for the module `module_name` in HTML

    format. The module must be importable.

    If `external_links` is `True`, then identifiers to external modules

    are always turned into links.

    If `link_prefix` is `True`, then all links will have that prefix.

    Otherwise, links are always relative.

    If `source` is `True`, then source code will be retrieved for

    every Python object whenever possible. This can dramatically

    decrease performance when documenting large modules.


    t = _get_tpl("/html_module.mako")

    t = t.render(

        module=mod, external_links=external_links, link_prefix=link_prefix, show_source_code=source


    return t.strip()
def (
    mod: pdocs.doc.Module,
    source: bool = True
) -> str

Returns the documentation for the module module_name in plain text format. The module must be importable.

source - If set to True (the default) source will be included in the produced output.

View Source
def text(mod: pdocs.doc.Module, source: bool = True) -> str:

    """Returns the documentation for the module `module_name` in plain

    text format. The module must be importable.

    *source* - If set to True (the default) source will be included in the produced output.


    t = _get_tpl("/text.mako")

    text, _ = re.subn("\n\n\n+", "\n\n", t.render(module=mod, show_source_code=source).strip())

    return text